Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Parenting in a Fallen World

I know myself well enough to know I would naturally become a helicopter parent. Left to my own devices, I would buy bubbles for both of my children. Avery’s bubble would protect her from the world. Carter’s bubble would protect him from the world, occasionally protect the world from him, and often protect him from himself.

However, I realize this isn’t always healthy and I want my children to grow into independent, responsible citizens. I occasionally read Free Range Kids and try to maintain an open mind. Recently, the blogosphere was up in arms about a post advocating leaving your kids alone at a park. Having a two year old and a one month old, I’m obviously not going to do that, but I guess I see the value for an older kid? I don’t know about alone, but maybe with a group of friends.
But then there are the Jaycee Duggards. The horrible stories that could have been prevented. Yesterday, an 8 year old boy was brutally murdered in New York on his way home from camp. It was the very first time his parents had allowed him to walk the seven blocks home on his own. I can’t even imagine what his parents must be thinking and feeling today, how you go on after such a tragedy.

I don’t know that I’ll let my children go to the park alone, or if I’ll secretly drive by to check on them if indeed I do allow them to go out without me. For now, I’m really thankful for my babies. And I’m glad I can still be a helicopter parent until I figure out all of this.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


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