Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Baby GIRL Jobin!!

Carter's going to have a little sister :) This has been confirmed for the 4th time today, so I'm starting to really believe it.

And, some news that I'm selfishly excited about, she's in the 50th percentile! Not the 95th! Nice and healthy, and her head is smaller than Carter's ever was. Whew.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Truer words have never been spoken.

"It's not about Why this? It's about What next?"

The Mikey Show, which I love, is doing the Mikeython, ending this morning. Currently, Mikey and his wife are pouring out their hearts about their son, their struggle with his autism, their life, and their faith in God. Mikey just said this in regards to the blessing that Jake's autism has been. 

You can also donate here: https://www.mogiv.com/jake/general/

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I need to confess.

After weeks of fretting and far too much emotional deliberation, I've made a major decision.

The Family Jobin will not be sending out Christmas cards this year. 

This is a big deal to me, which makes me feel like a failure as a wife and mother. What would Martha Stewart think?! We've sent out cards every year since we got married. I was the bride who wrote my thank you cards before the plane landed on our honeymoon. I have an adorable kid I'd like to showcase.

But mostly, we don't have a picture I like and really don't have the time/energy/resources for a photo shoot and that Christmas cards entail. I'm in that awkward stage where I look like I ate way too much at Thanksgiving, but not actually pregnant yet. The hours of selecting photos, picking out my favorite card, analyzing prices, compiling addresses, paying for the whole thing... and we all know I'm physically incapable of doing anything halfway.

Life is a little crazy right now and I've spent a lot of the last 17 weeks trying not to throw up every single thing I eat and just trying to function on a basic level. Something had to give. Can someone please reassure me that my son is going to turn out okay despite this? We're fed, clothed, he's relatively happy, that's enough, right?

And don't worry, I'll be sending out birth announcements this summer.