Sunday, October 21, 2012

Conversations with Carter

Carter really does say so many things that catch us off guard or are just so funny, I can't even remember them all. This is my attempt to capture some recent treasures-

Last night, when getting ready for bed:
"Daddy, it's getting dark outside. The earth is rotating."

Driving home from school, when I was trying to ask him how his day was:

"I'm not telling you about my daaay! It was just lots of things that were boring. All my friends were just ransacking. I'm just kidding about that."

The boring thing is a variation of what we sometimes tell him when he asks about work stories we're telling. Also, to my surprise, he correctly defined ransacking. 

He is so into Star Wars right now. When I picked him up from school, he was perched on top of a tunnel/toy thing they have and he exclaimed:

"Mama! I was racing to the planet! It was about to explode! but I saved it."

His teachers may start questioning our parenting. 

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