Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Anyone else do this? hmmm, no? just me?

Sometimes when I've had a particularly challenging or grueling day, the kind that take every ounce of my strength to get through, I think to myself at the end of it "wow, I hope this isn't like groundhog's day.".The movie, not the date in February. My worst case scenario? Moving day. Who the heck wants to do that every day for the rest of their life? Unless that's your job and if so I hope you love moving days. Today was one of those days. I'm laying in bed thinking that if I have to wake up and repeat today I may just stay in bed. Then I started thinking about my quirky fear of groundhog's day and suddenly needed to share it with you. I have a lot of other quirks. I could probably write a book of my quirks and irrational fears. It might just become a surprise best seller with a subtitle like "feel normal compared to this wackadoo!" (Or wacka-dudette?) But that's another post for some other day.

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