Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rain, rain, go away...

Normally, I love a good storm. I don't mind toting an umbrella, snuggling up with a warm drink in hand. I look to cold weather as a fun new opportunity for accessories of the scarf variety. I didn't even mind cleaning Stella for a full half hour when she decided a full body mud bath was in order.

But now... now I've had enough. Now that the rain is no longer outside but INSIDE our house. Soaking through our carpets, threatening our foundation and walls and carpet and carpet pad and my preserved wedding dress sitting in the back of the closet. Why? I have no freaking clue. The roof seems okay, but all the floors on the south side of our house are damp. So, more adventures in home ownership. THIS is why it's not good when San Diego gets seven inches of rain in like 10 days. We lack drainage of any kind.

I'm trying oh so hard to resist the urge to breathe into a paper bag. God has been really faithful to us and I'm sorry to say that my first reaction was panic and fear. But, I'm working on faith and patience and just riding this out. People across the world are dealing with so much worse. We're still warm and mostly dry, our cupboards are full of food, and we're all safe.

Of course, this would be easier if I had gotten more sleep. But the poor little boy is sick, resulting in much crying at wee hours. Some of it his, some of it mine.

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