Thursday, February 4, 2010

And on top of it all, we have to starve him.

When Carter was born, we, like all new parents, scoured every inch of him. And while he does have 10 fingers and 10 toes, he also has small shallow dimple at the base of his spine. At some point his pediatrician thought it might be good to check it out. Probably not a big deal, but better safe than sorry, so an ultrasound was ordered. Upon scheduling it, I was informed that Carter (who was 6 months old at the time) was too old. They only do ultrasounds for babies up to 3 months. Plus, you add all of Carter’s rolls and you get a wiggly baby and incomplete results. Back to the pediatrician we go. He still wasn’t terribly concerned, but thought it might be best to have a specialist look at it. Worst case scenario, Carter would need surgery so it’s really better just to rule that out. Plus, the alternative to the ultrasound is a sedated MRI and I was not thrilled about that option. Off to the pediatric neurosurgeon we went. To my disappointment, he recommended the MRI and it turns out the ultrasound may not have been too helpful anyway.

So, tomorrow morning Carter will asleep in an MRI machine. [excuse me while I breathe into a paper bag real quick like] Given the squirmy state of our son, this means my tiny baby (okay, really, he’s not tiny, but still!) needs an anesthesiologist. But even more terrifying, he can’t eat for at least 6 hours before. Um, I realize that someone went through many, many years of advanced specialized training to tell me this, but they clearly do not know Carter. The kid eats every 3 hours of his waking life. Our appointment is at 10am. We may or may not be able to buy ourselves some time in the car, but when we arrive at that hospital at 7:30am with a SCREAMING, ANGRY child I think someone may call CPS on us. And Carter takes anger up a notch, complete with clawing and slamming limbs. And I’ll probably be crying at that point too and more in need of sedation than Carter. And THEN he has to actually start the medical procedure. We really don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about, but we want to be sure of that. If it is something that requires surgery, it’s better to do it now.

So, if you could, please pray for us or keep us in your thoughts we would very much appreciate it.

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