Wednesday, February 24, 2010

8 Months.

I just realized that I never posted this letter. Oops. I blame it on sleep deprivation. Here it is!

Dear Carter,

Today you’re 8 months old and it feels like an accomplishment just that we’ve survived the last month. Something really weird happened a few weeks back. It rained, followed by a second storm. And then it rained some more. We got 7 inches of rain within a few days! This isn’t a lot for some places, places with actual weather, but we live in San Diego. 7 inches is a lot of rain for San Diego. The problem with all that rain is that it has nowhere to go so it just sits. In our case, it ran out of places to go and soaked into the house. So, for about a week we were the travelling gypsy family. We stayed with your grandparents, a few days with each. My goodness were you ever disrupted! I thought you would never get back to a normal schedule or sleep through the night ever again.

Shortly after we returned home, we threw in some more disruption to your life. You had to have an MRI at Children’s Hospital. That was not a fun day but it really could have been so much worse. You’re not yet at a stage where you could stay perfectly still for an hour while they scan your spine. You don’t even stay still when you’re asleep. So, they had to give you anesthesia and we couldn’t give you anything to eat or drink for 6 hours before. We were expecting meltdowns of monumental proportions, but you actually did really well. We walked around and played games and you chomped on toys. Toward the end you got a little fussy, but all in all it ended up okay. More importantly, the results all looked great. You are just so precious to us and we love you so, so much that the idea of having to go through surgery and all of that shook me. That was such a huge sigh of relief to hear that you were healthy.

We celebrated your first Valentine’s Day yesterday. It’s not a huge ordeal in our house, but we got to spend lots of time together as a family and that’s the best gift I could ask for.

You’re still just as loud this month as last month. You find so much joy in shrieking it’s hard not to laugh. I have to keep an eye on the windows and glasses when you really get going, just in case they all shatter.

You’ve got 4 impressive teeth now, two on the bottom and two on the top. The second top tooth just broke through yesterday. That’s kind of a crumby Valentine’s Day present if you ask me. But like always, you’re a champ. A little clingy and fussy and a lot less sleep, but we’re all surviving.

This month wore us out a little bit more than other months of our crazy life, but in a way that was a good message for us. It was a reminder to slow down and enjoy our time with you, enjoy every little thing we can. I'm trying to remember to enjoy every laugh, laugh at every shriek, and cherish every snuggle. Snuggles and quiet moments are harder to come by these days and I don't think I'll ever get enough of them!



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