Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothering doesn't take vacations.

I tend to put a lot of stock in "special" days. Birthdays are right up there with national observances. As an adult in my mid-twenties, I still can't sleep the night before Christmas. I start getting excited for holidays weeks ahead of time. So as Mother's Day approached, naturally I began to think of that. Both of my own mother and now for my son. However, my son is 10 months old and doesn't quite understand, well, most things like this. Throw in ear infections in both ears, a crop of new teeth still coming in and uncooperative weather... it was not the most sacred and special Mother's Day ever. When bedtime rolled around I just wanted to snuggle my baby for a minute and rock him. Carter wanted none of that mainly because it involved him staying still for more than 12 seconds. So, as he fought and climbed his way up my torso and tried to launch himself over the back of the rocking chair, I decided to give up my ideals and put him to bed. I'm not ashamed to admit that I did sneak back in later after he was asleep to hold him for a few minutes. I know this is total creeper mom status, but I don't really care. I just wanted a few still moments with my little boy.

I feel so incredibly blessed to be a mother and have this amazing blessing in my arms who squirms out of my arms. I definitely do not take that for granted and I pray that I never do. The worst, or best, Mother's Day on record couldn't change that. I'm just happy to be a mom.

And, in a shocking twist of events, Carter snuggled up with me this morning and fell back asleep in my arms this morning for the first time in at least 6 months. Go figure.

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