Monday, June 21, 2010

A moment.

A funny thing happened this weekend. We took a family trip to the fair, where I worked for 7 years when I was in high school and college. I know every type of fair goer and have experienced them all from the register side of the counter. This time, I was on the customer side of the counter. When I walked up to buy my cinnamon roll (seriously, one of the best things at the fair) with a baby strapped to my chest and my husband pushing a stroller behind me, I suddenly realized I'm a MOM. Obviously, I knew that, and I've come to terms with the loss of my coolness. Well, I was never really cool, but now I've lost all potential. I know exactly how that teenager saw me, and how I saw many mothers who walked up to my counter in the past.

I wouldn't trade in the baby in that pouch for all the cool in the world. Still, it was a weird moment.

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