Monday, January 3, 2011

Grandiose Illusions

I took off a full 10 days from Christmas Eve until this morning. I had visions of magical holidays spent enjoying each others' company, play dates, walks to the park, and much needed cleaning and organizing.

But then reality hit. Carter ended up with pneumonia and an ear infection. Torrential downpours kept us on floodwatch 2010. I got two separate colds within 10 days of each other. And Seth couldn't end up taking off the time he had hoped to. I had to cancel 4 separate doctors appointments, all of which now need to be rescheduled meaning we miss work and daycare.

We did manage one play date after the antibiotics ran its course and my house is much cleaner and more organized. I even organized my spices, which has to be one of the most time consuming and least rewarding chores. The Christmas decorations are back in the attic and my floors were relatively clean for about 2 hours.

For 2011, I wanted to make resolutions to be better about meal planning, cleaning, and spending time with God. After the week we had last week though, I'm going to focus on getting through every day. Having a baby, surviving with a toddler.

I do have a vague meal plan for this week, scribbled on a sheet with a cryptic grocery list, a work message, and random notes from the first call to the doctor's office this morning. I'm going to count that as a small victory.

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