Monday, January 17, 2011

This weekend, Carter was not himself. He has his two year molars coming in, some cold with an awful cough and is extremely cranky. Seth referred to him once as a firemonster (affectionately, but I still objected).

I spent a lot of time split between affection and discipline as a result. Sunday night he stood up on the couch and I told him twice to sit down. He finally did listen, but a little too exuberantly. He sat down really hard on the arm of the couch, tipping over the edge, and he proceeded to flip a few times midair, his head barely missing the coffee table, and landing face down on the ground. I watched in horror and immediately scooped him up and held him. He was fine, but pretty shaken up. Well, we both were.

After he calmed down a little, he looked up at me with big teary eyes and informed me "need time out." It's almost like he's catching on and realizing I do actually know what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

  1. I would have hated to observe this in action. But, it's quite a hilarious picture you conjured for the reader.
