Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We're having a baby. Like, a real one!!

As mentioned, we scheduled an induction for next week. I really REEEHHHEEELLY want to go into labor on my own. I'm consistently talking to Baby J about the reasons he really wants to join us in the outside world. Hopefully he's getting the message. We're also praying that I go into labor sooner than Sunday, which I'm sure is the more effective method.

But, if I don't go into labor in the next few days, I'll check into the hospital Sunday night. They'll start with some preparation stuff that night (I'll skip the details here, but I'd be happy to tell you more if you want to know). Then, Monday, my doctor will break my water and eventually start pitocin if needed.

I've gone back and forth on the induction a LOT. The baby is perfectly healthy and ready and my doctor wouldn't induce me if she didn't think there was a good reason to. But already Mommy Guilt is outscoring Rachel. I know what I'm getting myself into. I'm not excited about it and if it was just for my own comfort or convenience, I wouldn't do it. But, the bottom line for us was that I want to avoid a c-section if at all possible. This child is a big baby with a gigantic head and he's only getting bigger. Coupled with the fact that I do not have "birthing hips," I think it's unlikely I won't have to have a c-section, but I still think it's the best shot. We think it's the right, or at least a good, decision.

So, in a week we will be holding our little boy. If not sooner. Wow. But hey, did you hear?! Seth can cut his hair with a vacuum!!

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