Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hot and steamy Valentine's Day

Before you avert your eyes, let me clarify.

Carter is really sick. Last night, after begging us to put him to bed an hour early and not eating dinner (which, has never happened. teething, pneumonia, nothing has ever affected his appetite and yesterday he just wouldn't eat), he just kept hacking and hacking, then whimper, then cough some more. I eventually pulled him out of  bed and brought him into the bathroom and turned the shower on, hoping the steam would help him breathe and settle the cough a little.

As I was sitting there in the dark with the shower on, holding my sweet boy who was softly murmuring like a crazy person in his delirium, I had to laugh a little. It's just so fitting that our Valentine's Day this year would go that way. Even more so because I have two solid days of meetings at work and absolutely cannot stay home, which is a perfect storm just ripe for major illness (both his and mine).

Luckily Daddy is home with him and was able to get him into the doctor this morning who confirmed an awful ear infection and started some antibiotics. But, she also confirmed that he's really smart and his language skills are better than most 2 year olds. And she's a doctor, so it must be a fact :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm convinced that Carter has to be at the top of my prayer list from now on. Xoxo
