Friday, May 29, 2009

Who is sick of hearing about my pregnancy? Yeah, ME TOO!

We're still alive, and I'm still very pregnant. Baby J is doing well, although he is quite large, as we expected. A little over a week ago we had a growth scan and Baby J measured around 7 pounds. With 4 1/2 weeks to go... yikes. My doctor did say she thinks he's probably a little smaller than that and growth scans can vary a half pound either way, so maybe he'll only be 27 pounds full term instead of 29 pounds.

Seth and I were both big babies, hovering an ounce under and a little over 9 pounds (I was actually the bigger one), so I figured our babies would be big. I did not, however, consider the size of Seth's gigantic head when selecting a mate. Granted, Seth is quite tall and would look a little silly with a smaller head, but it seems like everyone comments on the size of this kid's head. Like a pregnant woman really wants to hear "wow, he has a big head!" Keep it to yourself people. Let me live in ignorant bliss!

Here's a tip for those of you with gigantic heads:
Resist the urge to play clips from So I Married an Axe Murderer (including but not limited to... "I'm not kidding, it's like an orange on a toothpick!" and "It has it's own weather system!"). Your very pregnant wife who has to birth a baby who inherited your head will likely not find it humorous. Also, trying to rationalize why he will need such a large head won't help much either.

Joking aside, it has been an extremely difficult couple of days/weeks. I'm not going to dwell there because I am incredibly thankful for the gift of being pregnant and the unbelievable blessing that this is to our family. I am praying he comes on his own in the next few weeks, but I will tell you that when my doctor mentioned the possibility of *maybe* inducing at 38 1/2-39 weeks, I practically hijacked her schedule and penciled myself in.

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