Sunday, November 27, 2011

Month of Gratitude: Day 27

In light of a horrendous loss last night by our beloved Bruins (and more heartbreak from the Chargers today) I thought it would be nice to remember all the reasons I do love that place. Also, Denver was 27 degrees yesterday while we were basking in 80 degrees.

I am thankful for UCLA!

Who wouldn't love this gorgeous campus?

As I look back at my senior year of high school and college years, it is so clear to me that God had a plan for my life that included UCLA. I didn't want to go there. I didn't even really intentionally apply there. I was applying to Berkeley and since the UC application is the same for all schools, I checked the UCLA box on a whim. I wanted to go to Boston University, and my parents were somewhat against that due to the outrageous cost. I was heartbroken at the time, but now I'm glad.

I made lifelong friends at UCLA, I learned how to live alongside of people very different than me, I loved my classes (I majored in Sociology) and within a few weeks of arriving on campus, I met the man I would eventually marry. I grew so much as a person.

I am just so thankful for the years I had there, for all of the experiences, good and bad. And in 16-18 years, I'm hoping my children will be Bruins, too!

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