Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Baby GIRL Jobin!!
And, some news that I'm selfishly excited about, she's in the 50th percentile! Not the 95th! Nice and healthy, and her head is smaller than Carter's ever was. Whew.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Truer words have never been spoken.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I need to confess.
The Family Jobin will not be sending out Christmas cards this year.
This is a big deal to me, which makes me feel like a failure as a wife and mother. What would Martha Stewart think?! We've sent out cards every year since we got married. I was the bride who wrote my thank you cards before the plane landed on our honeymoon. I have an adorable kid I'd like to showcase.
But mostly, we don't have a picture I like and really don't have the time/energy/resources for a photo shoot and that Christmas cards entail. I'm in that awkward stage where I look like I ate way too much at Thanksgiving, but not actually pregnant yet. The hours of selecting photos, picking out my favorite card, analyzing prices, compiling addresses, paying for the whole thing... and we all know I'm physically incapable of doing anything halfway.
Life is a little crazy right now and I've spent a lot of the last 17 weeks trying not to throw up every single thing I eat and just trying to function on a basic level. Something had to give. Can someone please reassure me that my son is going to turn out okay despite this? We're fed, clothed, he's relatively happy, that's enough, right?
And don't worry, I'll be sending out birth announcements this summer.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
More Carter stories
Last night in the bathtub, Carter was repeatedly pouring a giant cup of water over his face and practically drowning himself. Eventually he got tired of Seth's repeated correction and said "bye bye daddy" and closed the shower curtain.
He's hilarious, entertaining... and the future prospects are terrifying.
Friday, November 19, 2010
We're screwed: Part 29
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
17 Months.
Right now, he's disputing Baby Einstein. The nice voice announced "tiger" as a lovely tropical picture showcased this. Carter, in response, yelled "NO!" That's my boy.
Monday, November 15, 2010
My annual November pondering
My husband would say it's obviously any time before Thanksgiving.
However, I say... if we're not hosting Thanksgiving, no one will even really know we're disrespecting the turkey in favor of the far superior holiday. Plus, at the latest, I have to decorate the day after Thanksgiving. Immediately. Maybe even Thanksgiving night while eating my delicious leftovers. So maybe we can just decorate a few days early and savor all 4 glorious days of the Thanksgiving weekend...
If you pay us an come visit unannounced this weekend, there's a good chance you'll find yourself face to face with a fully lit Christmas tree. BEFORE THANKSGIVING! Consider yourself warned.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dinner table conversation
Carter: [general whining and straining for cup]
Me: Carter, can you say "mama, I'm sorry I threw my cup, can I please have it back? I promise not to throw it again."
Carter: "Amen!"
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hot button.
The FDA has detected a potentially toxic substance [belladonna] in Hyland's Teething Tablets and urges consumers to discard them.
Full article here: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-20020623-10391704.html
The really frustrating thing to me is that belladonna didn't sneak into some factory somewhere, it's the active ingredient. Parents with teething infants, who are desperate to help their cranky, sad babies of course want to use something homeopathic and natural. Belladonna is also know as "deadly nightshade." Really, does that sound like a good product to give to infants? I could go on, but I'm just going to stop there.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
So true.
"...managing a multi-kid household when both parents work full-time is like trying to simultaneously juggle a kitchen sink, a balloon and a kitten."
Yup, that about sums it up.
Read the whole (somewhat depressing) article here: http://money.bundle.com/article/can-you-really-afford-second-child-and-does-it-really-matter
Friday, October 8, 2010
More fun with toddler speak
Eventually we realized he was saying "sleeping" in regards to the roomba sitting in the corner. As in, "Carter, don't touch that, the robot is sleeping." He really loves to turn it on repeatedly. Clearly, he hears this phrase a lot.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
It was 6am and I was not quite 100% mentally, so I was slightly confused. I looked back at him while he repeated "Obama! Obama! Obama!" I was rather perplexed because a. we don't sit the kid in front of c-span for hours on end and b. the president was not standing outside the door (which, seriously, would have been really startling). I tried to figure out what the heck he was babbling about. Then it dawned on me, he was staring and pointed at the giant umbrella.
So I asked him, "Umbrella? Do you see the umbrella buddy?" He looked back at me like duh, that's what I've been telling you. So I repeated slowly "uuuhm-brell-LA" and Carter repeated back slowly "Oh-baaa-MA."
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Mother of the Year
Fast forward to last night. Carter outright refused to sit down in the bathtub. Despite nonslip mats, this makes me very nervous. I was constantly telling him to sit down and forcibly placing him on his little behind. Tantrum mode struck again and he face planted into the tub. He smacked his head pretty hard, right between the eyes on his forehead. This child is asserting his independence in dangerous ways.
This morning I sighed to Seth that I won't be getting the Mother of the Year award. He reassured me very nicely that motherhood isn't a competition and it's not performance based.
Spoken like a true father.
Friday, September 3, 2010
the miserable last hours before a long weekend.
since then, it hasn't gotten too much better. half the people I need to work with are gone and the other half are gone mentally. that may or may not include myself.
oh, last hours... go quickly please.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Things my son can do
2. Load a nerf gun
3. Make light saber noises
4. Wield a remote
All boy, that one.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A mini (really mini) vacation
Despite that, it was really nice. We reflected on our five years. We spent almost 24 hours leaving the mommy and daddy part at home, as much as you really can anyway. We had an amazing, amazing dinner at Kemo Sabe in Hillcrest (highly recommend!) and spent some time in the jacuzzi and met some nice folks from Atlanta. We ate a leisurely brunch without a highchair, bib, or the obligatory dance of who watches the kid and who gets their food. I even finished two crossword puzzles. We're already looking forward to the next trip, and maybe we'll even venture past one night!
And Carter had a fabulous time with Grandma, who let him eat lemons and feed himself a jar of food. Turns out the kid loves lemons.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Can you rent pack mules?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
13 Months.
Letter or not, Carter continues to grow and learn new tricks constantly and I wanted to capture a few of them so I don't completely lose track.
He's not walking yet, although I think that's just because he's stubborn. He's a really fast crawler and get around MORE than quickly.
He loves balls. We have quite a collection now and he positively delights in throwing them and chasing them around the house. It's endless entertainment.
He still loves trucks and airplanes. I don't see that changing any time soon.
He still loves Stella. He calls her "shteh-zha" or something like that. A few days ago we went to the dog park and Stella and Seth played inside and Carter and I sat just outside the fence. All the dogs loved coming over and checking him out, probably because they could smell his goldfish. Stella was adorably protective and kept a close eye on all the others around Carter.
He's doing really well at daycare and is adjusting right on schedule, albeit not without several bumps in the road. He loves watching the other kids and the fact that he gets all kinds of snacks. Our daycare provider cannot believe how much he eats. I think we're going to have to send extra food and quite possibly take out a loan to finance our food budget.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sort of alive
All in all, perfectly fitting of our life recently.
Friday, July 2, 2010
the end of Infographic Friday.
Monday, June 21, 2010
A moment.
I wouldn't trade in the baby in that pouch for all the cool in the world. Still, it was a weird moment.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
12 Months!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
And it continues!
Yesterday, my sister crashed her car. Thank God everyone is okay. Except the car. and the car in front of her. and then the car in front of that car.
And my grandpa's sister died. I didn't know her well, but it makes me sad for my grandparents, since both my grandpa and grandma were close to her.
Maybe we're getting it all out of the way. Maybe June is when our luck turns and the rest of 2010 is going to rock our socks off. Not like we wear socks, this is San Diego after all.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Haps.
We're also excited to celebrate Carter’s first birthday this weekend with about 50 of his closest friends and family. Unfortunately, Carter came down with a cold and is now sick. We’re just praying it passes before Saturday and that Seth and I are spared.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
childcare providers: listen up.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
11 Months
Monday, May 17, 2010
real life products!
The Baby Be of Use Series
It's about time those babies do something useful.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
theme song.
Let The Waters Rise
Don't know where to begin
Its like my world's caving in
And I try but I can't control my fear
Where do I go from here?
sometimes its so hard to pray
When You feel so far away
But I am willing to go
Where you want me to
God, I trust You
There's a raging sea
Right in front of me
Wants to pull me in
Bring me to my knees
So let the waters rise
If You want them to
I will follow You
I will follow You
I will follow You
I will swim in the deep
'Cuz You'll be next to me
You're in the eye of the storm
And the calm of the sea
You'll never out of reach
God, You know where I've been
You were there with me then
You were faithful before
You'll be faithful again
I'm holding Your hand
God Your love is enough
You will pull me through
I'm holding onto You
God Your love is enough
I will follow You
I will follow You
There's a raging sea
Right in front of me
Wants to pull me in
Bring me to my knees
So let the waters rise
If You want them to
I will follow You
I will follow You
I will follow You
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
You're welcome in advance
1. Organic Brown Rice

I'm not good at making rice. I also don't always have time to properly make rice even if I was the world's greatest rice chef. This stuff is great. You just microwave it for 3 minutes and you're ready to go. Practically instant side dish! I try to keep a few bags in my freezer. It's about 2 servings, so it's not going to supply rice fest 2010, but if I'm just making dinner after a long day, it's my go to.
2. All things chocolate covered. To be more specific...
Dark Chocolate Edamame- A little sweet, a little salty, very addicting. Not everyone loves it, but it's worth trying.
Chocolate Covered Cherries- If the edamame isn't for you, try the Dilettante Bing Cherries in premium chocolate. A warning though- don't go for the slightly cheaper cherries. The fancy ones are really much better, though they are pricey. I sometimes keep them at work and snack on one or two after lunch. They're rich and delicious.
3. No Pudge Fudge
Did you know you can mix 2 tablespoons of this stuff with 1 tablespoon vanilla yogurt for a single serve brownie? Or 4 tablespoons mix and 2 tablespoons yogurt if it's been a particularly tough day. I think they recently redesigned the package so it no longer features a pig quite so prominently. Good job marketing team.
4. Pita Puffs
These are new (I think?). They're air popped with a little bit of sea salt, a mere 120 calories for 30 puffs! I love them, though I will say that Seth could take them or leave them. They might be tasty with some Spicy Black Bean Dip.
5. French Market Sparkling Lemonades
Similar to the Lorina's variety pictured below, these are probably the most beautiful beverage containers I've seen. I particularly love the sparkling limeade, perhaps alongside a lime wedge-adorned goblet. I think that may appear on our dinner table tonight.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mothering doesn't take vacations.
I feel so incredibly blessed to be a mother and have this amazing blessing
And, in a shocking twist of events, Carter snuggled up with me this morning and fell back asleep in my arms this morning for the first time in at least 6 months. Go figure.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ahhh, spring.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
10 Months.
Dear Carter,
You’re ten months old today! We’ve hit double digits! I was feeding you this morning and I just can’t believe you’re such a little boy. My sweet baby is gone. Well, sometimes I still see glimpses of a sweet baby… when you’re asleep. When you’re awake, you are wild and active and LOUD. To be honest, you’ve been a bit of a tyrant this month. I can’t blame you, it seems like you’ve been teething for three weeks straight. You did finally bust 2 new teeth through, which means you have a grand total of 6 razor sharp teeth to bite me with. The other issue, which seems to frustrate you more than anything, is that you just want to get up and run around! You look at me like “MOM! I’m not a BABY! I want to PLAY!” and chomp on that remote! And steal your cell phone! And pull Stella’s tail! And eat that paper!
We celebrated your first St. Patrick’s Day and your first Easter in the last month. Neither were too monumental for you. I will mention that Easter grass was a big hit. More importantly, both occasions gave me a really great opportunity to take adorable pictures of you. Then again, I use every day for that particular activity.
Your curiosity for life and the world around you is incredible to watch. You are incredibly observant and alert to the world around you. You have a mild obsession with heater vents. Whenever the heater comes on, whether you’re at home or Grammy’s house or somewhere else, you look around to find the vent and stare at it. I’m not sure what you think is going to come out of it. Maybe a puppy? Speaking of puppies, you love animals. You still adore Stella and screech joyfully when she’s around. Our morning routine now involves some Stella time. After I feed you, I sit you up and let Stella up on the bed. It’s usually a good 2-5 minutes of extra time before you grow unbearably restless again. When we visited your new baby cousin Sawyer you were quite delighted by their cats. You laughed at them and waved exuberantly. We saw a lizard in the yard a few weeks ago and as soon as you spotted him your eyes followed him until he scurried away. Bunnies, birds, you love them all. We took a trip to the Wild Animal Park last weekend and you were much more interested in checking it out, despite your general displeasure and the teething situation. We took you through the butterfly jungle and you were almost still, mesmerized by all the movement and colors. While I was holding you, a butterfly landed on my arm and you tried so frantically to grab it you just about launched yourself out of my arms.
You love music, both listening to and playing it. It’s one of the only ways we can get you to actually calm down sometimes. You’ve expanded your repertoire outside of just rap and hip hop and now you like just about everything. And you DANCE! I love when you dance. It’s more of a silly torso wiggle, not all that different from how I dance, but it’s precious. Speaking of music, and more specifically noise, you’re still very loud but your sounds now include a few more words and real noises along with the babbling. You mimic our sounds and noises, which is just about the cutest thing ever. You have a book with a car on one page and when I read you the book, I always pointed to the car and told you a car says vroom vroom. A few weeks ago we were reading and when I flipped to the car, you pointed and said “bbbrrrmm bbbrrrmmm” completely unprompted. I proceeded to flip the pages about 20 times just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, but sure enough you are all about “bbbrrrrmmm bbbbrrrrmmm.” You still shriek and yell and make this weird howl/scream that actually hurts your throat.
You’re still not consistently crawling, though you do get up on your knees every once in a while. Mostly you belly crawl and pull yourself across the floor. It is the most frenetic chaotic movement I’ve ever seen, but you’re still getting where you need to go. You’re pulling yourself up on your crib too, making naps and bedtime even more of a challenge. When you finally fall asleep after much thrashing, you end up in the craziest positions. I wish I could take pictures of you, but I’m not taking the risk of waking you up.
You love your mama lately. And I’m not even bribing you! Yet, but the time is coming, we both know this. It warms my heart so much to see you looking for me and watching me. You love your daddy too, and your dog, and your sophie, and your bathtub… hmm, I’m suddenly feeling like I’m not all that special. In all seriousness, you are fiercely love those you know and adore. Everyone else, well, they better watch out. You’re extremely watchful in situations you’re not quite sure of, and you’ve been known to glare at strangers. Mostly men, but you love the ladies. And the ladies love you, especially those over 60 or so.
Your hair has reached the peak of its ridiculousness. It sticks straight up no matter what I do. Which is especially funny because now I have all this new post-baby hair growing in, so mine sticks straight up too. Strangers stop us to tell me how adorable your hair is. It is incredibly precious (on a baby, not a college student. Keep that in mind for later). Your eyes are still blue, and I think they’re staying that way. It’s still a complete wonder to me that I have a child who looks anything like me, but you picked up all the Hood traits.
You love to laugh. We’re not always sure what you’re laughing at, but it’s always the highlight of my day. Yes, even when you’re laughing because you just bit me or smacked me in the face or something along those line. Sometimes you get yourself so worked up that you have tears streaming down your face and you have to gasp for air. You’re just a happy kid, most of the time with the exception of this month’s tyranny. There’s no sweeter music to my ears than your sweet, sweet laughter. Luckily, you are incredibly ticklish, just like your mama. Tickling you and hearing those beautiful peals of laughter is like a drug for me. There’s nothing like it. I can’t even tell you how much you and your laugh have blessed me in the last ten months.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A win.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Nine months, take 2.
Dear Carter,
Today you’re nine months old. Nine months is so old! In nine months, you went from a tiny spec to a hefty 9 pound newborn with a gigantic head. A lot can happen in 9 months, and looking at you, it’s hard to believe where we were 9 months ago.
That means you’ve officially been an outside baby longer than you were an inside baby. And my goodness, you have picked up some new skills in this ninth month of your life. It’s almost hard to believe you couldn’t do these things a mere 4 weeks ago.
First there was clapping. You love clapping, and we love watching you clap. You haven’t quite figured out appropriate times for clapping, but that’s okay. It’s nice to get applause complete with a happy grinning baby anytime. Then came finger foods. You can now deftly pick something up with your fingers and delicately place it in your mouth and chomp on it. This is a big step from smashing something into your mouth with a flat palm. Also, it means we’re in big trouble. As I write this we’re seriously contemplating a robot vacuum and steam mop to better prepare for you sticking every single thing imaginable in your mouth because if you want it and can envision moving toward it, it is for sure going in your mouth. You wave now, but you’re moody about it. Some people get a wave sometimes when you feel like it. You also reach for us to pick you up. When you’ve grown bored with sitting or laying or breathing, you want to pull yourself up. This happened all of the sudden one day. You were sitting on our bed and your dad absent mindedly stuck out his hands for you to play with. Five seconds later you were on your feet with no help. Your father and I realized at that moment that we are in very large buckets of trouble. You are so very dissatisfied with your lack of mobility. Even the thought of crawling seems dismal to you. You want to walk run. ASAP. You’re almost starting to say a few words. Mostly up, mama, and occasionally something vaguely similar to “bye-bye” will make an appearance, complete with the wave!
Some new tricks are not as fun (but secretly still entertaining). I wonder sometimes if we’re raising a baby or wrestling an alligator. Diaper changes require restraints now. Seriously, we strap you to the table, and you still flip from under the strap. You’re especially mobile with your dad. I’m not entirely sure the force of your kicking is normal baby behavior. You lift your legs as high as they will possibly go and THUMP them ridiculously hard on the changing table. The neighbors may even hear it. When I feed you, you’re a ball of energy with limbs all over the place. Your foot usually ends up wedged under my chin or resting on my shoulder. And you bite. Worse still is that you think biting is funny. I try to limit my reaction because, just like your father, you like to get a reaction out of me. So I very calmly look at you and say “Carter, no biting. That’s not nice.” Every time I do that, you proceed to laugh. Typically, it’s a somewhat evil sounding laugh. Your dad can verify, I’m not making this up.
You love food and the eating process. We rarely have to coax you to finish a jar of food or try something you don’t like. Even peas and squash, which are not your favorite, are usually gobbled up. Every once in a while I give you something you don’t like and you gag yourself and stick out your tongue for me to retrieve said offensive food. I gave you a pea a couple weeks ago and you looked at me like I was trying to poison you. But most things, especially puffs, all fruit, and most vegetables, you love.
You also love sweatshirt strings and anything else you can pull on. Fan cords are especially tempting. At some point your dad thought you might like to pull on the fan cord. He was right, you love it. The problem is that your dad is almost a foot taller than me, so he can lift you up to the fan cord no problem. I have to hoist you into the air while you proceed to explore the fan cord, bat at it a few times, hold it between your fingers, and eventually maybe pull on it while I’m trying not to drop you or fall over.
The most heartwarming thing has happened over the last month: you and Stella are finally buddies! She’s starting to like you and is usually close by when you’re eating. She’s even started to follow you and plop down by you when you’re just playing on the floor with no food involved. But you take the relationship to a new level. You absolutely love her! When you spot her you shriek with delight. When you hear the distinct jingle of her collar in your vicinity, your head pops up and you spastically search for her. Last week you woke up around 2am and as I carried you through the hallway you spotted her in the dark (not sure how, she’s a black dog in a dark house) and were beyond delighted. You were flailing your arms, kicking your legs, and joyfully screeching. That in itself was enough to warm my heart and ease the pain of being up at 2am.
We watched a lot of Olympic sports over the last month, and every time I watched an award ceremony and watched someone freshly adorned with a medal as their country’s anthem played, I thought that someday, that could be you. If you could avoid skeleton, your mother would be so obliged as that seriously freaks me out. You can be whatever you want to be, and you have an amazing opportunity to be born in a country where we have freedom and unmatched opportunities. You could be an Olympian, or a musician in the Symphony, or an acclaimed author, or maybe the President. I don’t know where your path will lead you, but I promise that just being yourself, just being Carter, is more than any accomplishment you can put in your biography.
I think we’re right on the cusp of chaos with you. I’m already planning your first birthday party. In another month or two you’ll be crawling, talking, maybe walking. So for today, right now, we’re savoring every still moment, be they ever so rare, reveling in every new skill you master, and celebrating you at every milestone.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Nine months.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
More fun with robots.
Seth: i think you need some help. the roomba isn't out to get you
Rachel: who are you?! you're the one who told our 4 month old son not to trust robots! [background: one of the words in Carter’s 100 first words book is robot]
Seth: it's a double-edged sword.
roomba is fine
until it learns to combine forces with other robots
he's smart
other robots are dangerous
as long as they stay separate, we're ok
Saturday, February 27, 2010
as if I need more cleaning products.
Preface: I have a Dyson. I love my Dyson. I also have a hand vacuum. I use my hand vacuum to clean my Dyson. It’s a sickness really.
Since life here in Family Jobin is insane (see below re: floods, MRI, baby who won’t sleep, two full-time working parents, etc.) we've been reevaluating our time and process improving our routines. We thought long and hard about a housekeeping service and decided in the end that it was just way too much money. But we are thinking about getting a little robot friend to help the Dyson out.
the roomba.
now, imagine me singing that in the same style as the simpsons intro... the roooombaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
With a dog who sheds more than a small rodent daily and a baby who is currently rolling all over the floor and about to start crawling, we’re going to have to increase the frequency of our vacuuming or get someone else to do it. I vote the latter. So I’ve been doing some research.
I have never been more amused by consumer reviews:
· “Pros: Cleans Willingly.”
o That’s just a weird thing to say about a cleaning product
· “As for teasing Helen, it's tempting to rearrange the furniture or put obstacles in his path while he's working, just to see how he copes.”
o Okay, one, you name your vacuum. That’s weird, but I do it too so I guess I understand. Two, you’re taunting your vacuum. That’s weirder. And why is your male robot named Helen?
· “Robbie even cleans up peanuts that my bird throws on the floor. I turned Robbie loose in Storm's Room (My Parrot) with almost 3" high of bird seed and he cleaned it all up with me only having to empty the Dust Bin once between "Electric Broom Mode" and Vacuum mode.”
o Again, naming the vacuum. More importantly, who has THREE INCHES of bird seed on their floor?! Take out a ruler and look at the 3” mark! That guy also went on to explain that he’s taking Storm and his roomba with him on vacation in his RV.
· “It Cleans while we sleep”
o Somehow that creeps me out a little, especially since that’s the entire review. That’s all the person wrote!
I think I uncovered a weird cult of roomba enthusiasts. They all name their vacuums and embrace them as family members. Hmmm, isn’t that what robots want you to do so they can proceed to take over the world?
Eh, whatever. All I know is I want one.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
8 Months.
Dear Carter,
Today you’re 8 months old and it feels like an accomplishment just that we’ve survived the last month. Something really weird happened a few weeks back. It rained, followed by a second storm. And then it rained some more. We got 7 inches of rain within a few days! This isn’t a lot for some places, places with actual weather, but we live in San Diego. 7 inches is a lot of rain for San Diego. The problem with all that rain is that it has nowhere to go so it just sits. In our case, it ran out of places to go and soaked into the house. So, for about a week we were the travelling gypsy family. We stayed with your grandparents, a few days with each. My goodness were you ever disrupted! I thought you would never get back to a normal schedule or sleep through the night ever again.
Shortly after we returned home, we threw in some more disruption to your life. You had to have an MRI at Children’s Hospital. That was not a fun day but it really could have been so much worse. You’re not yet at a stage where you could stay perfectly still for an hour while they scan your spine. You don’t even stay still when you’re asleep. So, they had to give you anesthesia and we couldn’t give you anything to eat or drink for 6 hours before. We were expecting meltdowns of monumental proportions, but you actually did really well. We walked around and played games and you chomped on toys. Toward the end you got a little fussy, but all in all it ended up okay. More importantly, the results all looked great. You are just so precious to us and we love you so, so much that the idea of having to go through surgery and all of that shook me. That was such a huge sigh of relief to hear that you were healthy.
We celebrated your first Valentine’s Day yesterday. It’s not a huge ordeal in our house, but we got to spend lots of time together as a family and that’s the best gift I could ask for.
You’re still just as loud this month as last month. You find so much joy in shrieking it’s hard not to laugh. I have to keep an eye on the windows and glasses when you really get going, just in case they all shatter.
You’ve got 4 impressive teeth now, two on the bottom and two on the top. The second top tooth just broke through yesterday. That’s kind of a crumby Valentine’s Day present if you ask me. But like always, you’re a champ. A little clingy and fussy and a lot less sleep, but we’re all surviving.
This month wore us out a little bit more than other months of our crazy life, but in a way that was a good message for us. It was a reminder to slow down and enjoy our time with you, enjoy every little thing we can. I'm trying to remember to enjoy every laugh, laugh at every shriek, and cherish every snuggle. Snuggles and quiet moments are harder to come by these days and I don't think I'll ever get enough of them!
Monday, February 8, 2010
And now we catch our breath.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
And on top of it all, we have to starve him.
When Carter was born, we, like all new parents, scoured every inch of him. And while he does have 10 fingers and 10 toes, he also has small shallow dimple at the base of his spine. At some point his pediatrician thought it might be good to check it out. Probably not a big deal, but better safe than sorry, so an ultrasound was ordered. Upon scheduling it, I was informed that Carter (who was 6 months old at the time) was too old. They only do ultrasounds for babies up to 3 months. Plus, you add all of Carter’s rolls and you get a wiggly baby and incomplete results. Back to the pediatrician we go. He still wasn’t terribly concerned, but thought it might be best to have a specialist look at it. Worst case scenario, Carter would need surgery so it’s really better just to rule that out. Plus, the alternative to the ultrasound is a sedated MRI and I was not thrilled about that option. Off to the pediatric neurosurgeon we went. To my disappointment, he recommended the MRI and it turns out the ultrasound may not have been too helpful anyway.
So, tomorrow morning Carter will asleep in an MRI machine. [excuse me while I breathe into a paper bag real quick like] Given the squirmy state of our son, this means my tiny baby (okay, really, he’s not tiny, but still!) needs an anesthesiologist. But even more terrifying, he can’t eat for at least 6 hours before. Um, I realize that someone went through many, many years of advanced specialized training to tell me this, but they clearly do not know Carter. The kid eats every 3 hours of his waking life. Our appointment is at 10am. We may or may not be able to buy ourselves some time in the car, but when we arrive at that hospital at 7:30am with a SCREAMING, ANGRY child I think someone may call CPS on us. And Carter takes anger up a notch, complete with clawing and slamming limbs. And I’ll probably be crying at that point too and more in need of sedation than Carter. And THEN he has to actually start the medical procedure. We really don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about, but we want to be sure of that. If it is something that requires surgery, it’s better to do it now.
So, if you could, please pray for us or keep us in your thoughts we would very much appreciate it.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Rain, rain, go away...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
SEVEN months!
Dear Carter,
If I had to describe your seventh month of life in one word, that word would be LOUD. You have really come to understand your vocal capacity and utilize it to the fullest extent. I mean this very literally: people stare at you. When I take you with me on errands you tend to start babbling, then squawking, then full blown screeching the likes of which isn't typically heard outside of the jungle. More than once over the last month people have heard you in the vicinity, stopped what they're doing and searched for the source of the noise, only to be shocked to see a very small child wailing and flailing in his stroller. I just shrug and smile. It's all I really can do. Our neighbors probably wondered why we got a pterodactyl for Christmas.
You're like a different baby at seven months old than you were a month ago. You're still a lot of fun and mostly loving life but with a whole new set of skills. You're sitting up really well on your own. We do let you fall now and then depending on what the landing surface is. You think it's particularly funny to topple over on our bed. Not sure why, but it just is. You're much better with your hands and have more coordination which leads to whatever you can reach making it into your mouth at unprecedented speeds. Several weeks ago you re-mastered the tummy to back roll and now you're like a rotisserie chicken making a break for it. You did decide to feud with the nap this month, but you'll soon learn that I am stubborn and don't give up easily. The nap and I are joining forces and determined to have victory. It's for your own good, I promise. I know you think it's better to be so exhausted that you're a whiny mess with bags under your eyes, but sleep is really the way to go.
You are such a little charmer. A few weeks ago I took you and Stella on a walk to the coffee shop down the street (really, this sounds much more quaint than our neighborhood really is). We were sitting outside while I was enjoying my tea and you were wildly flinging your toys about. I looked away for a few seconds and when I looked back I realized that you had a captive audience of businessmen. They were inside, on the other side of a big window. All five of these older men in suits and ties had their attention diverted completely to you. They were smiling at you and waving as you smiled right back, laughing and flailing your limbs at them. After their meeting wrapped up and they were leaving, they passed us and told me how adorable you are and how fun it was to see you interacting with them. My future looks troubling.
You and Stella are tolerating each other much better these days. I knew she would come around as soon as you were eating real food. But you think she's funny now. You positively SCREECH with laughter at her sometimes. She still scares you every once in a while but you don't seem to mind her piercing barks of protection or her inquisitive sniffing.
You have teeth! Plural! A few weeks ago your bottom front teeth popped out. Your right tooth was the first to debut, closely followed by the left three days later. I can tell there's more on the way any day now. And those little teeth? They're deceptively sharp. You've almost taken off a few of my fingers and one of your dad's, too. Of course, you think that's funny. You also think pulling my hair is funny. And so is gnawing on my face if I let you get close enough. Your new trick is grabbing my hair with both fists so quickly I hardly even know what's going on. While I'm distracted with the freeing of my hair you launch at my face. It's actually pretty awesome.
You're an experienced eater now (of course, your DNA predestined you to that). We gave you sweet potatoes as your first real food and you loved them. You ate the entire jar and would have kept going if I'd cracked open a second jar. You've also tried carrots and squash (loved) and a few green veggies like sweet peas and green beans (merely tolerated). You made the most horrible face and your facial expression pleaded with me to stop forcing you to eat it. You really like fruits, especially plums but you've also tried apples and pears.
You celebrated your first Christmas a few weeks ago. You didn't quite get it, but there were a few things that you really liked. You loved the shiny bows and you liked to stare at the lights. Since you started rolling like a maniac right about the time we put the tree up you loved to roll yourself over and just watch the lights fade in and out. You also tried to grab the ornaments, so because of your persistence and Stella's hurricane tail the bottom few feet of the tree were sparse with completely unbreakable ornaments. We cherished the time with you and I can't wait until you understand the meaning of Christmas and the importance it holds in our lives.
You also rang in your first New Year! You and I celebrated by sleeping. Dude, midnight is super late when you have a small infant who demands your attention bright and early. We used to be a lot cooler than we are now, but you know, I wouldn't trade life with you to be young and hip and unfettered even for a moment. There were some challenges in our life this month. When I felt like the world was raining down on me, I snuck in to your room and gently lifted you into my arms and just held you. You would snuggle into my arms and nuzzle my neck and that was enough to make everything okay again. That will always be enough for me. Your dad and I are just so blessed to have you in our lives. And I promise to stop sneaking into your room by the time you're 18.